What are you even saying?

Okay, I’ll be honest. I kinda keep forgetting I have a blog. I haven’t been keeping up with writing anything, and the few ideas I’ve had so far have flopped. Not to mention that I haven’t been able to travel much lately, so I don’t have new places to write about. So, to get me back into the swing of […]

Low on Money? Yeah, Me Too.

How to travel even when you technically can’t afford it. Traveling is great. New places, new food, new people (if you’re into that sort of thing), maybe a new climate… I could go on. It’s awesome. Why would I have a blog about travel if I didn’t think it was worth it? (Because it’s easier to write a couple blog […]

Crazy People in Cardiff

Oftentimes, the best places to visit are in your own backyard. Don’t get me wrong, traveling abroad is amazing, and if you have the option, then you should definitely do that. But when you’re looking for a shorter trip, lower budget, and/or shorter commute, sometimes national travel is your best bet. This was the case for me over my Easter […]

Could’ve Used a Christmas Miracle

I’ve mentioned in other posts that something goes wrong on every single one of the trips I make. Sometimes it’s just little things like traffic delays or train maintenance. Other times, it’s much, much worse. And when you’re traveling internationally– especially solo– you really don’t want to deal with that. I’d hoped that my first solo trip would go well. […]

The Little Things That Add Up

Culture shock can absolutely ruin a trip, or at least the beginning of it. It can make moving to a new culture difficult, and it takes time to overcome. Some places will be easier to adjust to than others. It just depends on how similar the cultures are. Coming from the U.S., the UK wasn’t much of a culture shock. […]