In the Seats of Giants: Cadair Idris

Maybe I’m just biased because I’ve been here for so long, but Wales is always deserving of another travel post. I’ve written about its capital city, Cardiff and one of its beach towns, Aberystwyth. Both are beautiful and lovely places to visit. But Wales holds so much more than those two places. So now I think it’s time to talk […]

Loving Life in London, Even if You’re Broke

I don’t know what it is about it, but I absolutely love London. And I say that as someone who hates big cities. I struggled so much more in Edinburgh, Scotland than I ever have in London, despite London being bigger and more populated. Basically, London is one of my two favorite destinations (so far, at least), with Oman being […]

You’re a Neat Freak, Not OCD

Imagine this scenario… You and a friend are cleaning up after a party. Your friend is very particular about the chairs being angled just right and the plate designs all facing the same direction. You jokingly raise an eyebrow at them, and they respond with, “Sorry, I’m super OCD. Everything has to be just right.” How often have you heard […]