Loving Life in London, Even if You’re Broke

I don’t know what it is about it, but I absolutely love London. And I say that as someone who hates big cities. I struggled so much more in Edinburgh, Scotland than I ever have in London, despite London being bigger and more populated. Basically, London is one of my two favorite destinations (so far, at least), with Oman being […]

Low on Money? Yeah, Me Too.

How to travel even when you technically can’t afford it. Traveling is great. New places, new food, new people (if you’re into that sort of thing), maybe a new climate… I could go on. It’s awesome. Why would I have a blog about travel if I didn’t think it was worth it? (Because it’s easier to write a couple blog […]

Crazy People in Cardiff

Oftentimes, the best places to visit are in your own backyard. Don’t get me wrong, traveling abroad is amazing, and if you have the option, then you should definitely do that. But when you’re looking for a shorter trip, lower budget, and/or shorter commute, sometimes national travel is your best bet. This was the case for me over my Easter […]

Omani Weddings

Oman is a beautiful country full of amazing, funny, hospitable people. I was able to spend a month there with a friend (regrettably, it was over the summer and during a heat wave), and I loved it. On the flip side, if you’re coming from the West (and/or you don’t speak Arabic), it can be really anxiety inducing. As great […]